7 Gründe / 7 reasons

Ich habe diese Woche das Layout von meinem Schatz fertiggestellt. Diesmal ist es vom Stil her etwas flacher und aufgeräumter. Eben "clean & simple". Es hat Spaß gemacht auch diesen Stil ausprobiert zu haben.

I have finished the layout of my honey this week. This time it is a little more level and cleared up from the style. Just "clean & simple". It was fun to have tried out this style, too.Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Wieder an der Zeit / Time again

Gude Morsche!

Es ist mal echt wieder an der Zeit ein paar meiner Layouts zu zeigen. Bislang bin ich leider nicht zum Fotografieren gekommen. Doch heute Morgen hatte ich endlich mal ein bisschen Zeit.

It is really time again to show a few of my layouts. Unfortunately, I had no time for taking photos up to now. However, finally, this morning I had a little time.

Zurück / Back

Da bin ich mal wieder! Sicher gelandet und um viele Erlebnisse reicher. Bevor ich anfange vom Urlaub zu berichten möchte ich Euch die Layouts vom Foto-Swap aus dem Paperbraut-Forum zeigen. Meiner Meinung nach sind sie alle einfach unglaublich schön und ich bin froh am Swap teilgenommen zu haben. Morgen zeig ich Euch dann auch die LOs die ich für die anderen gemacht habe.

Mein 1. Album ist voll!

Wahnsinn, ich habe mein erste Album voll gemacht. Echt krass, wenn man bedenkt, dass ich es erst seit einem halben Jahr habe. Ein Layout von den letzten 3 kann ich Euch noch zeigen. Die anderen beiden habe ich noch nicht fotografiert bzw. beim letzten fehlt noch das Journaling. Vor unserem Urlaub wird das jetzt der letzte Eintrag sein.

Es wird mal wieder Zeit

Hallo an alle, die immer mal wieder auf meinem Blog vorbeischauen. In letzter Zeit hatte ich nicht allzu viel zu berichten, da ich auch gar nicht so arg viel gemacht hatte. Naja eigentlich sind doch ein paar LOs entstanden, aber einige darf ich noch nicht zeigen, da sie für einen Foto-Swap sind und dieser noch bis zum 15.8. läuft.
Dafür habe ich jetzt mein CJ (Circle Journal) für das Paperbraut-Forum fertig. Mein Thema ist "Bäume in der Landschaft", mal was anderes wie üblich dachte ich mir. Auf die Reise gegangen ist es auch schon.
Dann habe ich gestern und heute noch 2 Layouts fertig gemacht. Mit mir selbst bin ich sehr zufrieden. Es hat mir wieder richtig viel Spaß gemacht wieder im 12" x 12" Format zu scrappen. Doch nun will ich euch die Bilder nicht länger vorenthalten.

Hello to everybody who call in again on my blog. Lately I hadn't to report a lot, because I hadn't made a lot at all. Well, actually I have done something, but I may not show them yet, because they are for a photo-swap and this still runs up to 15th August. But I've finished my CJ at the Paperbraut forum and can show it to you. My subject is "trees in the scenery", something else as usual I imagined. On the trip it has already gone. Then yesterday and today I have finished 2 layouts. I am very contented with myself. It has given to me a lot of fun again to scrap in 12" x 12" format. However, now I won't keep you no longer from the pictures.

Oregon Coast Layout

Unfortunately, my yesterday's day did not start so well. Thorsten had to get up early because of his tennis game. When he has switched of the ventilating fan, I could have howled. All of a sudden it became boiling hot in the bedroom. In sleeping wasn't to be thought any more. So I have got up at 7.30 on Sunday morning!! As the first I have made myself a coffee to wake up somewhat. Then the plants on the balcony came to the row. Reaping and they were also a little bit thirsty. Finally, afterwards I have pulled myself up once more to process a few photos. Well it is only one photo and 2 postcards. Still I am very contented with my work. But now have a look at it:

3 layouts

Here I am again and showing you some layouts I recently made and the scrapbooking blind date layout from Stefani.

I'm a bad blogger

Sorry guys, that I didn't post anything since a long time ago. I wasn't in the mood to do so.

But I've made some new layouts and I'll show you a part of it later this day. Some of the layouts are made for a photo swap at the paperbraut forum. I can't show you the results right now 'coz the swap isn't finished yet.

I took part at a scrapbooking blind date at the paperbraut forum some weeks ago. It was really funny and I enjoyed it very much. I'll show you the layout which Stefani made for me and what I made for her.

At present I'm preparing my Circle Journal which is starting on 1st of August. My issue will be "Trees in landscape". At first I've chosen an issue which has included bonsais. Unfortunately I've none at the moment 'coz they were stolen as I wrote some posts before.

Okay, I'll making the photos of the layouts now. See you later!

A new layout

Hello everybody,
I made a new layout today. It shows my beloved mom. I took the picutere at the birthday party of my friends mom 2003, but just found them a few weeks ago. It really was time to make a scrapbooking layout of them.

I used the following stuff:

- PP from Cosmo Cricket "Twist & Shout"
- Chipboard from S.E.I.
- Template from Creative Memories

6 bonsais have been stolen

I couldn't believe it, what I saw opening the window shutter of our balcony door in the morning of 11th May. My bonsais didn't stand there anymore! The following bonsais were stolen:

1 Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur)
1 Cherry tree (Cornus mas)
1 Field maple (Acer campestre)
1 Fig tree (Ficus retusa)
1 Elm tree (Ulmus parvifolia)
1 Apple tree (Malus with white blooms and green sheets)

I don't have a pictuere of every tree. But please, if you should see one of them, please contact me.

Quercus robur

Cornus mas

Ficus retusa

Ulmus parvifolia

Somewhere over the rainbow....

I was crying again, because our one and only Tuuli died on Mai 5th. She was very sick and the vet couldn't rescue her. It broked our hearts and she is leaving a big space. I'm still fighting with the tears which are running down my face from time to time, especially when I'm alone at home and have time to think about her. I made a little something today, a real scrapbook page will come later when some time passed by.

The journaling is in german, but it's easily translated because I use a phrase from the song "Somewhere over the rainbow - what a wonderful world" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

Deutsch: Irgendwo da oben, über dem Regenbogen, ganz weit oben... All die Träume, die du mal geträumt hast, damals in dem Schlaflied. Die Singvögel fliegen, und die Träume, die du mal geträumt hast, werden wirklich wahr! Eines Tages werde ich einen Wunsch an einen Stern schicken, und dort aufwachen, wo ich die Wolken ganz weit hinter mir lassen kann, wo Sorgen und Ärger einfach so schmelzen, wie Zitronenbonbons. Ganz hoch oben über den Schornsteinspitzen, da wirst du mich finden. Irgendwo da oben, über dem Regenbogen.

English: Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high and the dreams that you dreamed of once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly and the dreams that you dreamed of, dreams really do come true. Someday I'll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where trouble melts like lemon drops, high above the chimney tops thats where you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow.

Haven't shown yet

Howdy my friends!

I made two new paper layouts I have not shown yet. The first one shows Thorstens grandma, who died some years ago. The photo was standing plain and lonely in one of our shelves. So I thought it would be right to make a layout of it. And see, Thorsten was very surprised and happy about it.

The second layout shows me. Thorsten took the photo on our holidays in Tunesia 2002. I always wanted such a photo like this and Thorsten succeeded in making such a gorgeous snapshot.

Tears are running

I'm so sad, tears are running down my face. Our one and only Pico died just a fews hours ago. I can't believe it.

I'm just crying....

Some digital again


I just finished a digital layout. Therefor I used the "Promise"-Kit from Shabby Princess and 2 license free pictures from pixelio.de:


Good Morning!

I made a new paper layout yesterday and were using a sketch from PageMaps. The pictures show our pet rabbit Pico. He's the first pet rabbit we've given a home. He lives with us since he was a baby. Pico is such a cute and charming guy. Everybody loves him if they saw him.

Layout to Teenas 3rd Challenge

Hey everybody,

I made a layout to Teenas 3rd Challenge a few days ago and I wanna show you now the result. It's about our guinea pig Tuuli, which lives here since 4 years. I got very emotional when I made the layout and tears were running down my face, because Tuuli really had a bad start in live. We're just happy that she's here and we can give here a nice home. We don't wanna miss her.

A long time ago.....

Howdy my friends outside there!

I'm back again. Sorry that I didn't post since a long time. Up till now I made some paper layouts and some digi layouts, but I got very sick last wednesday and just layed in bed. I'm feeling better now, and hope that it'll be going better from day to day.

Okay, enough about me, let's have look at my newest layouts.